Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Welcome to Our New Blog

Hi! Thanks for visiting our blog. This is our first posting so enjoy. . . . We have both been very busy
the past year and a 1/2. Rocky is really enjoying his classes in seminary and is working towards his Masters of Divinity. Suzanne is working at a commercial real estate agency to help him get through school. ha! Rocky also works part time at a medical billing office.

We had so many changes to go through when we first got married. A new city, new jobs, and a new church. We have slowly adjusted and are trying to fit in here. Louisville really is a great city and we find many things we enjoy here. We love going for runs in the gorgeous parks. We also like to go to the different festivals here, such as the Balloon Glow, and the minor league baseball games (seen below). The team here is the Louisville Bats.

We have now joined Ninth and O. Baptist Church (named for the intersection of the church's previous location). We really like our church and Rocky is the small group leader for our Sunday school class. This weekend our small group is headed out to Huber Farms to pick our pumpkins from the pumpkin patch there.

In May we had a great time celebrating our 1 year anniversary. We were able to stay at Suzanne's parent's beach condo (pictured top left). We also had a wonderful time in May at the Kentucky Derby (shown to the right). Rocky's mom took us and it was really fun to get all dressed up. The derby is quite the experience and we both really enjoyed it. Rocky's mom went home the big winner as she picked the winning horse, Barbaro.

In June, we got a dog! We love our new dog buddy. We got him from an animal rescue league and he is only 2 years old. One of Suzanne's friends told her about the need for this dog to have a home. Buddy is a Jack Russell Terrior and is very calm despite the nature of the usual JRT. He is great company for Suzanne when Rocky is in class and Rocky loves to play catch with him.

Look for more posts from us soon!

Suzanne and Rocky


Ashley & Chuck said...

Awesome Blog Suzy! Now we can be blogging buddies! :)

Anonymous said...

Suzie, Buddy is one good lookin fellow!!!! Hey, is Rocky the guy you married? Has he seen your prison tattoo?

You two are prettier than a freshly waxed John Deer Tractor!!!
