Friday, October 31, 2014

Abenezer's Story

Here is my precious sponsor child, Abenezer

A couple of months before I left to go to Ethiopia, Rocky and I decided we would like to sponsor a child through the ministry Eyes that See.  Since our boys are a little older and understand things more we decided to go with a little boy.  I had seen Abenezer's profile as the featured sponsored child for 10 cent Tuesdays but it had been a few weeks and I figured he already had a sponsor.  When I saw that he was still in need of a sponsor my choice was easy.

There is a lot going on behind the big smile of this handsome 9 year old boy.  Abenezer's father died when he was young and he was living with his mom and grandmother when his mom became very sick from HIV.  So sick, that the left side of her body was paralyzed and she was unable to work.  And 2 months before I was to visit Ethiopia, his mom passed away.  Now Abenezer lives with his grandmother.  She works 6 days a week selling coal.  While she is working so hard, she does not earn enough to provide for the basic things they need.

When I first met Abenezer I felt so much joy to meet this precious little boy we had been praying for for the last few months.  He reminds me so much of my own boys.  He is very active, loves to play ball, and is just very much a little boy.  I loved that about him.  My heart also ached for him.  I told him (through a translator) how my family back in Kentucky is praying for him.  I told him my own boys prayed for him every single night.  I told him how sorry I was that his mother died.  He only looked at me and nodded.  How my heart went out to him.  He didn't cry, I'm not sure why he didn't.  Maybe he had already cried so much over this, maybe it was his way of coping with another tragedy in his life, maybe he felt he just couldn't.  So much hurt for a 9 year old to carry.  And I couldn't help but think of my own little 6 year old boy back home who looked similar and also has had some trauma to carry with him.  I wanted to hug him and rub his back the same way I had Bryson's when he has asked me some hard questions about his past.  But I couldn't, he didn't know me that way and I knew it would be uncomfortable for him as he was shy.

I'm so thankful he is involved in the 10 cent dabo program through Eyes that See.  Before Abenezer was in this program he often missed meals and was unable to attend school. Here he received a meal before school, a meal after school, any medicine he may need, and counseling to deal with these hard things in life.  The workers there that I met, Henok and Zerihun truly love him and all the kids at 10 cent dabo.  I'm so thankful for their hard work along with Yonus and the states team of Eyes that See.  May God show his grace and love to Abenezer through this ministry. What a blessing that our church has partnered with them!!!

While I was there our team was able to put together some money to purchase the kid's notebooks for school.  You should have seen their faces!  The kids and the caretakers (moms, grandmothers, etc) of these precious kiddos were so excited!  Look at that smile!  I also brought him a little care package.  Some coloring books, crayons, snacks, and probably he was most excited about the soccer ball.  One of his friends saw his care package and was in awe of the crayons.  "Ooooh, colors!" he exclaimed.  His genuine awe over a pack of 24 crayons left a big impression on me.

While I was there I was concerned about Abenezer's shoes.  Many of the kids shoes are in fair/poor condition.  Abenezer had on girl's leopard rain boots that had a slit of the back allowing the elements to get in.  They have some rough terrain to walk on and they do a lot of walking there.  I was able to give some money to Henok and asked him if he would purchase some new shoes for him.  Well, I got this precious picture today in my email inbox!!!  What a joy to see him!  He also got a new uniform.  Looks so handsome!

Not a day goes by that I don't think about this sweet boy.  My heart hurts for the pain he has been through.  I am asking God to provide love for him through his Grandmother, and that he might be invested in by some neighbors and friends and especially 10 cent Dabo.  Ultimately I'm praying that Abenezer will come to know the hope of Jesus.  Even meeting these physical needs are temporary compared to an eternity with Jesus.  Jesus provides so much hope in all circumstances. May he know how deep the love of Jesus is for him.  

If you are interested in sponoring a child, please check out Eyes that See or click here.  You will receive a profile of your child and updates.  This ministry is legit.  I have seen first hand and am happy to report every penny you donate is spent on the child!!

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