Monday, October 23, 2006

This is Ridiclous!!

Okay, so I know this isn't the most exciting blog, but I had to post some cute pictures of our dog Buddy. He really is a very funny dog and I try not to love him too much. (Sometimes it scares me how attached I am to this animal.) I mean, it really is ridiculous how many pictures we have of Buddy. You would think he is our kid or something! I am sure once we do have kids he will be in a lot less pictures. Can anyone else relate? I don't want to be that girl that only ever talks about her pet. Anyways, here are the pics!

1 comment:

Jeff Wilson said...


I didn't know that Buddy was a Jack Russell! That's what our dog, Sam, is and we treat him like a human :) They are such smart dogs and really fun to be around. I miss and love you!