Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Birthday Bash 2007

Everyone has friends, but then you also have a category reserved for your "best" friends. The people you can honestly be ridiculous around, and you know they will still love you.
This weekend my husband and I made a treck down south to Nashville. Nashville is home to my best friend Karen and her husband Scott. My other best friend, Rachel, and her boyfriend Will also came up from Alabama to help us celebrate my birthday. It was GREAT!!
It was so nice to be with my 2 best friends and fun to see how each one of them is so grown up! Karen was married in September this year and she and her husband were amazing hosts. Aside from going out to dinner Saturday night, they cooked the entire time. I especially loved the banana pancakes. Rachel is now seriously dating Will and it was my first time to meet him. He is a really nice guy and I am excited to see how their relationship will progress :).

I enjoyed being around two friends who know me so well. We had fun retelling old stories, and catching up on new ones. We also had a blast just hanging out.

I had been craving Japanese food, so we went to a Japanese steakhouse on Saturday night. I just loved watching the chef perform as he made those knives fly! The food was delicious. I also got to see my good friend Lauren and her boyfriend. It was great to see her! We all had a fun time eating and talking.

Here are a couple other pics from the weekend:

Rachel and Will Pose for a quick pic at dinner

We were stuffed!


Anonymous said...

Suzanne, i just now saw the sweet write up on Claire. What an awesome friend you were during that rough time and continue to be each day! God has truly blessed me with an amazing friend/sister :) love ya - JZ

Jeff Wilson said...

Hey Suz! I wish I could have been at the birthday celebration...great choice on the Japanese! I love you and miss you like crazy. You are awesome and we need a reunion, anyone?