Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Okay, so I have taken a brief, involuntary, sabbatical from the blog---not because I wanted to, but because we were in the process of moving. We just moved and ugghh! I hate packing and all that goes with it. However, we are now up and running and so hopefully so is the blog :)

Above is a picture of me and my friend Shelley at her bridal shower. It was great to meet some of her close friends from home and I am excited for her that she is getting married in a little over a month. Congratulations girl! While in Nashville for the shower, I also got to see my best friend Karen. She and her husband are currently in the process of selling their condo so I had the joy of helping them fix up the place for open house. It looked great!

To give you a little update on Rocky and me, we have definitely been keeping busy. We are loving the warm weather and have been hitting the parks lately along with our little dog Buddy. He went in to a bit of doggie depression when we first moved, but now he seems to be adjusting fine. He loves the outdoors! Rocky and I were also in a funny, but cheesy, skit at church. Rockstar was the main character and did a fabulous job. Look out Hollywood . . . he just might have his own sitcom soon. I was very proud of him. It helped that it was "family night" at church so all the kids were in the service and laughed at all the cheesy jokes :)

I'm looking forward to a seminar I am attending this Saturday. I am taking several classes including: floral arrangements made easy, disciplining children, and homemaking 101. I will feel very domestic after Saturday. Speaking of domestic, my mom got me a sewing machine for my birthday this year. I am very excited about this and plan on trying it out soon. If any of you have any sewing tips, I would love to hear them!

One more thing . . .I wanted to take this time to thank my husband for being so sweet to me for my birthday and Valentine's day. He did so much to make me feel special and I wanted to acknowledge that here. For my birthday he got me a Kitchen Aid Mixer, he had been saving money so that he could get it for me (I really have always wanted one). For Valentine's day he cooked for me! We had homemade fruit dip, strawberries, Au gratin potatoes, steak, and fried chocolate ravioli for dessert. It was awesome and I felt like a celebrity or something. He also got me roses and tickets to go see the Lion King. I am thrilled. He is so wonderful and I appreciate how he always goes out of his way to make me feel loved. I love you Rocky Clark!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Suzie!
I haven't read your blog in a while, but sounds like you are doing soo well! i miss seeing you everyday at work, but it will make our get togethers that much more sweeter! Can't wait to catch up with you Monday and maybe Claire and i can see your new crib :)