Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Seminar Saturday

This weekend I had a great time attending several seminars offered by the seminary. I wanted to post a few images from the Floral Arranging Seminar. I enjoyed learning from a native Alabamian. Bronwyn is from Birmingham, Alabama and we even know a few common people. It was great to hear a familiar accent and to learn from such a creative woman. The arrangements she did were "English" style. She learned from a group of ladies who learned from a group of ladies who arrange flowers for the Queen of England! I purchased a DVD of this seminar so hopefully I will be able to somehow make a duplicate of what she did. She has arranged flowers for home parties to weddings. What a domestic diva!
I learned so much this weekend! Another seminar I attended was on disciplining children. I had a great time learning from Dana and her adventure with her 5 young children. Dana has 3 children she gave birth to and 2 adopted children. Because the children are so close in age, you can imagine the importance and need for discipline to keep the family peaceful. She told the story of riding on a trip with the family. One of her boys said "You know what?" "What?" she and her husband said. "I think this spanking thing is really working. I've been a lot better." Hilarious! It made me excited about the possibility of Rocky and I having children one day and all the fun things they say.
I also attended seminars on homemaking, submission, and evangelism. They were all great and I feel I have a lot of new wisdom to add to my life. All these seminars have definitely inspired me to be a better wife and keeper of our home. I hope I can honor the Lord in this way.

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